What are warts and how to get rid of them?


Almost every one of us at least once in his life faced with warts – knotty growths, which affect the hands, fingers and feet, armpits and some other parts of the body. Usually the cause of these benign tumors is human papilloma virus (HPV), which infects every other person on the planet.

What you need to know about HPV?

Under the HPV now see a whole bunch of viruses (over 100), which settles in the tissues and environments, the human body, at times can looks like an ordinary, flat, genital warts (warts). HPV is most often transmitted through contact with infected through the skin, towels, shared clothing, as well as sexually. This virus is easy to catch bath, sauna, swimming pool, in the locker room at the gym and other public places with high humidity and questionable sanitary conditions. Penetrating into the body, the virus remains forever, and a complete cure, unfortunately, does not give up.

And in the body of one trailer at a time can stay a few dozen strains of HPV. The presence of a strong immune system, and is not chronic diseases, HPV can remain in a state of slumber, does not prove itself. However, in the case of the deterioration of the protective functions of the body, HPV can Express itself in the form of tumors, the body temperature rise, indisposition.

Most problems causing the so-called plantar warts that appear on foot in the zone of maximum friction when walking. These warts are grayish represent a callus-like seal, which can be very painful when walking. Extremely unpleasant, genital warts, the removal of which is problematic, because the thin skin in the area of localization.

Treatment of HPV today by using specific antiviral drugs and immunotherapy, although, as we have noted, get rid of acquired the virus permanently date is not possible.

Medical methods for wart removal

Modern dermatology removal of tumors in the form of warts the use of several successful techniques:

  • Cryosurgery. Burning benign tumors with liquid nitrogen. It only takes a few treatments to completely remove warts. The procedure is quite painful, because of the frozen nitrogen is in contact with the skin temperature is 196 degrees. Disadvantages of the method we note the difficulty to control the level of freezing during burning, as well as the possibility of the appearance of a scar rather than remove a wart.
  • Burning laser. Perform layer-by-layer removal of the growth using local anesthesia in medical lasers. This method is less traumatic, so cosmetic defects to the scene of the wart, as a rule, does not arise.
  • Electrocoagulation. Methodology – the impact of the affected area of the skin of the high-frequency current. Deep roots in the burning of the warts after wound healing the possible occurrence of a scar.
  • The surgical removal. Rarely used, usually in a place of deep root growth. After the removal of the body of the warts, surgical sutures, after the removal, which left a prominent scar. Innovative option – the so-called. radio-wave surgery, which involves removal of warts using high-frequency radio-frequency (3,8-4,0 MHz).

Burning home

Remove common warts can be at home. For these purposes, most often used for cosmetic treatment compositions, made of natural celandine or active alkali.

Before you remove the wart to protect the healthy skin near the affected area apply a thin layer of baby cream or vaseline. Now you can start to burn. To do this, apply a small drop of the composition directly on the wart and wait until it is completely dry. Similar to the procedure, you need to repeat 1-2 times a day for several days. In the process of this treatment the wart is peeling off and then disappear completely, leaving small pigmentary stain, which disappears after some time.

Using this method of wart removal and genital warts, you should be very careful. Concentrated alkali contained in such compositions is very aggressive, so in the event that incorrectly calculated the volume of one dose of the session during the burn, the procedure can leave deep burns, who will continue to get wet and for a long time to heal. The appearance of the scar or the scar in such errors inevitable.

Home cold care and medicinal plasters

Trying to get rid of the warty knots with the help of modern drugs on the basis of which a special cooling of the liquid mixture. The liquid temperature is 50-55 degrees. In strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to ensure the free growth of an average of 10-14 days.

However, such drugs can not guarantee you a therapeutic effect. They usually show good performance only when dealing with small, individual warts. Well proven and special plasters or medicines pen dipped in salicylic or lactic acid. This treatment can take up to one and a half to two months.

Guarantee does not give one

Despite the extensive list of tools and methods, designed for the removal of warts and warts caused by HPV, to ensure the complete cure and without any recurrence in the future will not become an expert. Unfortunately, the probability of the occurrence of secondary tumors are quite high. Thing of the deep location of the virus structures of the skin, and the wrong choice of medical techniques.

In order to best protect yourself from relapse, you need to constantly support the immune system, vitamins, try to avoid shaking hands with guests, monitor the integrity of the skin (gloves or gloves at work), avoid tight shoes and calluses on the soles of the feet.


Deciding on removing warts, make sure to consult a surgeon or dermatologist. It is possible that you can mix and make an ordinary nevus or capillary hemangioma is a flat wart. And burning a mole can lead to tragic consequences, until the cancer problem.

Consultation with a specialist, to rent the necessary tests, and then to remove the tumors in the clinic allows you to avoid risks and maintain your health.